Top Body Contouring Doctor Reveals How To Precisely Perform a 3D Body Scan In Seconds Using Just A Simple Turntable And A Hi-Tech 3D Infrared Camera. In Only 35 Seconds, We Extract Millions Of Your Body Measurements With 2mm Accuracy And Reconstruct Your Body In 3D. Get A Starting Baseline Then Perform Repeat Scans To Know How Well Your Exercise, Diet Or Body Contouring Programs Are Working Or How Bad They Are Failing!!

Accurately Measure Body Fat %, Fat Fee Mass %, Fat Mass, Fat-Free Mass, Body Density, Body Mass Index (BMI), Total Weight, Full Body Circumference And Lengths, Bone Mass, Bone Mass %, Subcutaneous Fat, Visceral Fat, Android Fat Mass, Gynoid Fat Mass And Much Much More!!

Schedule Your 3D Infrared Body Scan Session & Consult Today

See The Difference In Your Bodies Shape in 3D.

Weight scales often mislead you into thinking you're not making progress. Nothing is more illustrative and more motivating then to actually see your body transform with millions of measurement data points.

Analyze Hundreds of Body Measurements In Only 35 Short Seconds!

Extract measurements in your neck, chest, arms, stomach, waist hips and legs, and more with less than 1% error.

Measurements Are Within 1/8th Of An Inch Accuracy!!

Precisely Track And Measure Your Progress With Stunning 3D Infrared Accuracy! This Drastically Helps You Analyze The Success Or Failure Of Your Exercise, Diet And/Or Red Light Body Contouring Programs!

You can't just judge your success by a scale as it does not tell the whole story or show the whole picture.

Shape Analysis

Analyze your profile, silhouette, and waist-to-hip ratio. View asymmetries in shape.

Track Progress

Chart your key measurements over time to keep your motivated.

3D Model

Rotate, pan, and zoom a full body model from a body scan. Visualize shape and landmarks.


Extract hundreds of measurements. 76% more precise than an expert tailor, and way faster and easier.

Risk Assessment

Track risk of obesity related disease using waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat.

Fat Analysis

More consistent than traditional methods, such as calipers and BIA and possible even DEXA (currently under scientific review)

Affortable, Easy And Fast

Get a full 3D infrared body scan in only 35 seconds! Get detailed multi-page reports delivered right to your email inbox.

Goal Setting

Meet fat and inch-loss goals after analyzing your baseline scan.

Schedule Your 3D Infrared Body Scan Session & Consult Today

Our Hours

Monday: 10:30 - 1:00 pm And 3-6 pm

Tuesday:10:30 - 1:00 pm And 3-6 pm

Wednesday: 3 - 6 pm

Thursday: 10:30 - 1:00 pm And 3-6 pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Office Address: 309 West 12th Street Ogden, UT 84404